Skills for Start-ups

Facilitator: Bonnie Hacking
Coordinator: Moses Akazue
Location: Western Infirmary Seminar Room 114
Time: 14:15-15:45, day 2
RDF Domain: B3 Professional and career development
D3 Engagement and impact

This skill session is designed to equip attendees with the necessary information needed to successfully get a business off the ground. The session will have a panel made up of business mentors, investment agencies as well as IT start-up entrepreneurs. The session will begin with a short talk by the speaker on how to make ideas happen, followed by a discussion on how to get investment ready. Attendees will have the opportunity to think about and consider an idea of their own and use the expertise of others in the room to develop it as well as consider the first steps they’ll need to take to bring it to life.

Individuals are given an opportunity to think about and consider an idea of their own and use the expertise of others in the room to develop it and think about the first steps they’ll need to take to bring it to life



Members of Panel